November Items Needed!


This Thursday, the 14th, and NEXT Friday, the 22nd, we will be doing two fun, hands on activities!  We need your help though to pull it off!  Please sign up for an item or two from the Sign Up Genius link I am posting:

With these items, we will be practicing place value up to the thousands place, making butter, and having a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Feast!


Thanks in advance!

Just a reminder…

Hello Parents!


Just wanted to give you a heads up on a few things.  Your child may have their book bag book for several days, but that is just fine!  The more they read it, the more they will increase their fluency (reading speed) and deepen their comprehension.  Please have them read their book bag book (Guided Reading Book) each night.  Depending on which group they are in, depends on how often I meet with them for new books.

Also, Friday’s are VERY important!  Friday is when we showcase everything we have been learning all week by participating in weekly assessments.  If you must check your child out early, after about 1:00 is the best time.  Our typical Friday looks like this:

7:45-8:30 Come in, get unpack, begin morning work, spend DOJO points, restroom break, study for spelling test

8:30 Spelling Test

9:00-9:45 Guided Reading Stations/Groups

9:45-10:30 Reading Comprehension Passage

10:30-10:55 Wrap up morning activities

11:55-11:05 Get ready for lunch/Restroom

11:05-11:55 Lunch and Recess

12:00-13:30 Guided Math stations

12:30-1:00 Weekly Math Assessment

1:00-1:30 Science/Social Studies Time

1:30 Pack up/Write in Planner

1:40 Fun Friday Recess

2:00- Specials

2:45 Get Ready for Dismissal


**Also, be sure to check through your child’s graded paper folder carefully this week, as there is going to be a fun, family project for you and your child to do!**