Notice from Mrs. Koonce and Mrs. Bradley

Parents and Guardians,

We greatly appreciate the work you are doing at home with our students.  Our teachers have worked really hard to supply work and resources by SeeSaw and through packets.  Our intent is not for this to be overwhelming to you. It is for the “continuity of the educational process.” Please do not feel as if your child must complete the paper packets and Seesaw work each week.  If you are able to access Seesaw and can do the work presented there, you do not have to have your child complete a paper packet. Please do what works for your family and your situation. There have been a few questions about grading.  Packets and Seesaw work that is completed at home will not be graded. We are asking for paper packets that are completed to be returned so that we can evaluate work done at home. The work done through Seesaw is being viewed frequently. Promotion and retention will not be based on the work done while our students are at home. If you have questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or Mrs. Bradley at [email protected].

Hospital Hero Notes!

If you have written a note digitally on SeeSaw, I will be e-mailing those to the appropriate people.  If you would like to make another card or two at home using paper and other supplies, you can drop them off at the school in a box.  There should be a box in the coming days.

Save your work!


Be sure to save the work packets that your child has been doing at home.  At some point there will be a box at the school to “turn them in.”  We aren’t sure at this time what the state is going to require us to show as proof as to what our students have been doing at home during this time away from school.  Also, I will be able to print off assignments they have done from SeeSaw to use as documentation, too!

Again, thank you for your continued support!


Round TWO of packet pick up will be this Monday, March 30th.  Come by the drop off/pick up area on Monday to grab a packet out of the 2nd grade box


Is your child signed up and working on their assignments through SeeSaw?  I am loving seeing all the hard work!  It’s fun and a change of pace from pencil/paper.


Reminder:  Tomorrow morning at 10:00 I will be doing a Zoom Video Conference with those of you that can join!  I sent the instructions via Class DOJO message.


Hey families!

I wanted to make you aware of another website students can read and listen to books!  We have been using this website on a daily basis in class, so all the students are familiar with it.  Go to  Below is the class code!


SeeSaw Distance Learning

Hi parents!

I sent out a DOJO message late Sunday night with links to your child’s very own SeeSaw account.  I am uploading different learning opportunities for them to work on at their own pace.  They can do it, and “turn it in” virtually! Pretty neat!  Let me know if you run into any problems.


Also, tomorrow (Tuesday) 2nd grade activity packets will be available for pick up….More info. coming today!

Meals During School Closure

Beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020:

WOISD will offer meals to ALL students in the district. Meals will be served in a
‘drive through’ format from 11am-12 pm daily. Guardians/students are asked to
drive through in front of the secondary (HS/MS) cafeteria on White Oak Road.
Meals will be hand delivered to each vehicle. All school aged children will receive
a meal.
For those guardians/students that are not able to ‘pick-up’ we will home deliver
meals beginning at 12-noon each day. Please call the following number (903-291-
2090) or e-mail [email protected] no later than 10am on Wednesday
morning March 18th so that we can get an approximate number of meals needed.
Please make sure to include an address and any pertinent information.
School meals will be offered to students on the following dates during the current
Covid-19 closure:

Wednesday, March 18 th
Thursday, March 19 th
Friday, March 20 th
Monday, March 23 rd
Tuesday, March 24 th
Wednesday, March 25 th
Thursday, March 26 th
Friday, March 27 th

This information will be updated as needed. Thank you for your continued support
of White Oak ISD. Go Roughnecks!