Week of October 22-25th

This week will have lots of fun learning experiences in store!

Math:  Surveys, Tally Charts, Bar Graphs:  Each day we will answer a survey question as a class and make a class bar graph.  We will then discuss the information together and answer questions about the data.  We will do several activities where the students will make a bar graph based on how many times they spin a color/etc.

-In math stations we will review adding 9 and 0 to numbers by doing several hands on activities, practice our math facts, and review adding number strands

Reading:  We will learn to read with voice/inflection/feeling.  We will also pay close attention bold words, punctuation, quotation marks (Talking marks,) speech bubbles, and how words are written in books for us to read them as they are intended. (Sentences that are questions are voice goes up, and sentences with an exclamation point we say with strong feeling.)  This week we will read Wolf! and Hallowiener.  We will also participate in a reader’s theater.

In Literacy stations we will: Read to self, work on writing (Halloween story,) Read to someone, Listen to Reading (Fiction Pumpkin story,) Pumpkin Life Cycle QR code activity with ordering the life cycle assignment, word work (Write words 5 ways,) and practice Spelling Words on Spelling City.

Writing:  This week we will apply what we learned last week (Adjectives) and write a descriptive piece that describes the attributes of a pumpkin that he kids will draw!

Science:  Pumpkin Life Cycle

Upcoming Events

Hi Parents!

October is a very busy month!  Here are a few calendar reminders!

**Don’t forget to sign up for Student Lead Conferences on October 28th!!

October 15th- Walk to Fire Station.  Wear tennis shoes!  Learn about Fire Prevention and Safety

October 21st- NO SCHOOL!


October 28- Wear Red!

October 29- Team Up Against Drugs

October 30- PJs (Early Release @ 11:30)

October 31- Book Character Day!  No blood, gore, or full face paint

November 1- Roughneck Spirit!

Guided Reading Books

Hi families!

You may have noticed that your child did not come home with a guided reading book for the weekend.  Our brand new guided reading books from our adoption are in the process of getting bar codes placed on them so we can check them out properly.  So, until they are returned to us with the bar codes, we will be pulling books that have been used in previous years.  On another note, the 2 groups I met with Friday did get to bring home books for the weekend!  I will meet with 2 groups Monday, and 2 groups Tuesday, then we should be back on track.  Just wanted to keep you informed as to where their books went!  Also, to continue our new nightly reading log responses, if your child does not have a guided reading book, they may use their library book or another book you may have at home until they bring their book bag home!  Thanks for your help!


Also, this coming week we are learning “ALL ABOUT BATS!”  If you have any BAT books at home we could borrow, please send them with your child’s name in it and I will return it when we are done!