At Home Learning Packet/Announcements

Hello families!

Next week, from 8AM-6PM the next at home learning packet will be available for pick up at the parent pick up/drop off area at the school!  Please make sure you are keeping all student work as we may have to turn it in eventually.


Also,  great job the last several weeks on SeeSaw.  I love logging on in the evenings and see 75+ assignments ready for me to check!


I am beginning a little friendly competition on Sunday with Reflex Math.  The competition will go for the next 2 weeks (April 26th-May10th)  If your child was on our Zoom this past week we discussed it.  I plan on making a video this weekend and uploading it to DOJO to explain the competition.  There will be a reward as well!


I had a few parents interested in doing EPIC! from home.  This will allow them to read and listen to thousands of books until June!  I emailed parents link to the email on file through Skyward.  I could only send it to one email, so if you did not get it, and would like to, let me know!


I am also assigning different books for them to read  or listen to that go along with our weekly lessons!

Notice from Mrs. Koonce and Mrs. Bradley

Parents and Guardians,

We greatly appreciate the work you are doing at home with our students.  Our teachers have worked really hard to supply work and resources by SeeSaw and through packets.  Our intent is not for this to be overwhelming to you. It is for the “continuity of the educational process.” Please do not feel as if your child must complete the paper packets and Seesaw work each week.  If you are able to access Seesaw and can do the work presented there, you do not have to have your child complete a paper packet. Please do what works for your family and your situation. There have been a few questions about grading.  Packets and Seesaw work that is completed at home will not be graded. We are asking for paper packets that are completed to be returned so that we can evaluate work done at home. The work done through Seesaw is being viewed frequently. Promotion and retention will not be based on the work done while our students are at home. If you have questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or Mrs. Bradley at [email protected].

Hospital Hero Notes!

If you have written a note digitally on SeeSaw, I will be e-mailing those to the appropriate people.  If you would like to make another card or two at home using paper and other supplies, you can drop them off at the school in a box.  There should be a box in the coming days.